The Minister's Message
Sunday December 1, 2024 is coming! Our Table Class will meet at 9:00 with a study from Acts 2:42-3:10. This is a great text for study and will be followed by a time of fellowship and prayer around the tables. I hope you will bring a friend and join us. The worship service begins at 10:00 with the message coming from Ephesians 4:14-16 titled The Mature Christian. I hope you will join us for a great time worship!
Our Christmas Sunday celebration begins with an all church breakfast at 8:30. combined with the table class. It will be a great time fellowship as we begin our celebration of Christ's birth. Worship will follow at 10:00 with the Christmas message titled The Christmas Gift. Be sure and join us and bring someone along to share the joy of Christmas.
This Christmas we are beginning a new Christmas tradition with the Christmas Eve Communion Celebration at 4:00. We have a great service planned, I hope you will bring family and friends and get Christmas off to a worshipful and meaningful start.
Bless you and be sure and join us for all the Christmas festivities!
Bless You Big, Tom West, Minister
The Minister’s Message
Let me take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Tom West. I am, what I call the new, old minister at the Lindsay Christian Church. I came on as minister back in July of this year. I follow the 39-year ministry of my friend, Paul Leavens. Paul’s health required that he retire. Paul and the church board asked me to serve as their new Senior Minister. I refer to myself as the new, old minister because I am 75 years old.
I want to use my weekly article, The Minister’s Message to keep you up to speed on what we are up to in the ministry of the Lindsay Christian Church.
One month ago, we started what I call The Table Class. We meet Sunday morning in rooms 3 and 4 from 9:00 to 9:50. We have 4 tables. You join a table and your table becomes your fellowship group. I teach a 30-minute lesson and then you have 20 minutes of fellowship around your table. We are doing an in-depth study of the book of Acts. This Sunday, November 24 we will teach from Acts 2:42, a powerful description of the life of the early church. This text holds some important concepts for us to grasp as we seek to restore the New Testament church. I hope you will join us for our study and fellowship.
Worship begins at 10:00 in our worship chapel. We will share in a time of prayer, worship in song, communion and a message from Ephesians 4:7-13 as we work our way through a series of messages from the book of Ephesians. You will be blessed by our worship service and I hope you will join us.
Following worship this Sunday we will have a church potluck to celebrate Thanksgiving together. The church will provide turkey and ham, and we ask our people to share a side dish and we will have a great time of fellowship eating together.
Be sure to mark your calendar for a new tradition for Lindsay Christian Church. On December 24 we will have a Christmas Eve Communion Celebration Service at 4:00. We have a great celebration service planned and will be done in plenty of time for everyone to enjoy all your family celebrations. I hope you will join us and bring a friend or family member to share in this celebration of the Christmas season!
Big Blessings in Jesus,
Tom West, Minister
About Us
What are Christian Churches anyway?
They are congregationally governed bodies with no official organization controlling them. They desire to reproduce in doctrine, life, and practice the church founded by Christ.
Keep pressing on!
Keep pressing on!
The example of the apostle Paul should inspire us older Christians to make the most of life’s final chapter. Paul wrote the book of the Philippians when he was prisoner in Rome around A.D. 62. His circumstances could easily have discourage him. He was aging. He was imprisoned. His future was uncertain.
Paul had many reasons to put his life in neutral and coast toward the finish line. Yet he wrote, “I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forget what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christi Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14)
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